I got laid off of my job in the middle of August. I'm not too upset about it. My roommate is engaged and so she's selling her house. Which means I will have to move probably sometime soon. You'd think I would be a little more worried about losing my job and losing my place to live. But I think it will be a good change. It will force me to do something different. I'm kind of enjoying being unemployed right now. I go running mostly every morning, do pushups every other day, practice my violin, and hang out with my really cool rooommate, Serena. Of course, I also occasionally look for a new job. It's kind of hard to look for a job when I'm not sure what I'm even looking for though. I've been applying at a bunch of banks and credit unions. I think that might be a good place for me. Looking for jobs is one of the things I really hate doing. There's nothing like looking for a job to make me lose all my self-esteem. So I am trying really hard to not be discouraged. Okay, Serena, I've posted on my blog. I hope you enjoy it. :)